Burnets Boston Green Leisure Lawn Seed 1kg
Top quality deep rich green lawn.
Hard wearing with a fine appearance.
Suitable for sun or dappled shade areas.
A great all-around mix for all of NZ.
Boston Green Leisure Lawn (coated). Consists of Fine Turf Ryegrass and Fine Fescue. Extremely versatile lawn suitable for numerous situations, tolerant of disease, drought and heavy wear once established. Ideal for heavy traffic areas, playgrounds, BBQ areas and tennis courts. Boston Green will provide a top-quality lawn that requires less mowing. Suitable in sunny or dappled shade areas.
Top quality deep rich green lawn.
Hard wearing with a fine appearance.
Suitable for sun or dappled shade areas.
A great all-around mix for all of NZ.
Boston Green Leisure Lawn (coated). Consists of Fine Turf Ryegrass and Fine Fescue. Extremely versatile lawn suitable for numerous situations, tolerant of disease, drought and heavy wear once established. Ideal for heavy traffic areas, playgrounds, BBQ areas and tennis courts. Boston Green will provide a top-quality lawn that requires less mowing. Suitable in sunny or dappled shade areas.